Employee Experience

Feb 03, 2022 |

We often spend time thinking about the experiences our customers have.

Think about Kohls for a minute.  They have the best department store app in my opinion.  I can scan products when I don’t see the price.  They keep all of my coupons and Kohls cash in the app so I don’t have to worry about losing them.  One click of the Kohls pay button and I’m walking out the door without even having to open my purse!  They have done their homework to make my shopping experience as easy as possible.  

When was the last time you walked a mile in the shoes of your employees?  Have you thought about their employee experience?  It actually begins before they are hired.  Think about your application process.  Is it easy or difficult?  Have you tried to apply for a position?  What does your interview process look like?  You want to be sure it is a positive experience that accurately reflects your organization.  

Do you stay in touch with your new employee while they are waiting to start their new job?  That small window of time from when they give notice to their previous employer and their first day with you is when you want to reassure them that they made the right decision.  Invite them on a tour and encourage them to bring their family.  You can share anything that would help them to learn more about the company.  Just remember to focus on culture rather than something job or training related.  Think along the lines of YouTube videos, social media posts, etc.  

Finally, think about what happens once your new employees complete their orientation and training processes.  They may be part of the team, but it usually takes six to twelve months for an employee to feel a sense of belonging.  This is why an onboarding program is so vital to employee retention.  The last thing you want is to lose someone after investing so much time and money into them!  

Categories: : Retention, Onboarding